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Command-line options and switches for Paquet Builder

This page describes how you can use Paquet Builder to create packages (even without user interactions) without navigating through the steps, but with command line switches.


A console command-line compiler is available too for advanced users. Especially, it is highly recommended to use the console compiler in automation workflows.

What is a switch?

All switches are specified with a forward slash and are sometimes followed by a value.

Example of valid switch: /c

Please note that if you are specifying files or folders with spaces in them, you should enclose them in quotation marks.

Example of switch:

/b "my file.docx" /c


Do not use quotation marks if your value does not contain spaces.

/log:"D:\Output Folder\CLog.rtf" is correct /log:"D:\OutputFolder\CLog.rtf" is wrong /log:D:\OutputFolder\CLog.rtf is correct

Command line options to manage and compile project files

You can indicate project files to Paquet Builder thanks to the command line. When you launch Paquet Builder manually (for instance with the "Run" command from Windows Start menu), you can pass parameters to the program.

The following command line opens a project file: PBUILDER.EXE "c:\mywork\myproject\myproject.pbpx". All you have to do is to press the Compile button and the package will be created.

When a command line switch is specified, the splash screen is automatically hidden. Only a window will appear in the Windows taskbar with the title "Paquet Builder - 5% compiling". Paquet Builder also displays the progression of the compilation, except in silent mode.

Supported switches

Paquet Builder supports command line switches for project (and directives) files:

  • /c forces Paquet Builder to compile the package according to the project file (or directive) specified previously.

  • /q will force Paquet Builder to exit after compilation (successful or not). Does not prevent error messages from being displayed. Check exit codes for Paquet Builder.

  • /s enables no interaction mode: no progress dialog is displayed but error messages will be shown and request interaction. Moreover, the main window still appears. For true silent compilation (no window at all, no interaction, error messages in console directly), please consider the console command-line compiler. Check exit codes for Paquet Builder.

  • /log:"path to log" saves the compilation log to a RTF file whose path is specified. Be sure to enclose the path between quotes.

  • /outfolder:"path to folder" lets you change output directory for your package. Be sure to enclose the path between quotes.

  • /outfname:"filename" lets you change the filename for your package.

  • /exetype:N lets you define whether the package should be 32-bit or 64-bit. N=0 means 32-bit and N=1 means 64-bit.

  • /arcfile:"path to 7z file" changes the 7z external archive file. Be sure to enclose the path between quotes.

  • /filelistupt forces Paquet Builder to perform a live-update (refresh of all components and file lists).



You can of course make some combinations with the preceding switches: be sure to separate switches with spaces

Compile the package without interactions and exit:

PBUILDER.EXE "c:\mywork\myproject\file.pbpx" /c /q /s

Change the output directory, compile the project and save the log to a RTF file.

PBUILDER.EXE "C:\My Documents\pbtests\testdirect1.pbpx" /c /log:"C:\my documents\pblog.rtf" /outfolder:"C:\my documents\pbtests\output"

Change the bitness to x64, refresh all file lists and compile the project silently.

PBUILDER.EXE "C:\My Documents\pbtests\testdirect1.pbpx" /exetype:1 /c /q /s /filelistupt


If you want to modify more parameters without using Paquet Builder GUI, please use directives.

Exit codes for Paquet Builder.